
Chair of the Directing Board: Adrian Jäggi

Vice-Chair of the Directing Board: Frank Flechtner

Analysis Center Coordinator: Ulrich Meyer

COST-G combines the gravity field solutions of various analysis centers (ACs). Currently, solutions are provided for GRACE and Swarm. In the near future also solutions of GRACE-FO will be processed and combined.

The combination procedure in reprocessing mode consists of four major steps:

  1. Harmonization: the various solutions are transformed to a common system
  2. Quality control: the signal content as well as the noise content is evaluated in order to eliminate biased solutions and/or outliers.
  3. Combination is performed on two levels:
  4. Internal and external validation ensure the quality of the product

Read more on the history and the background of COST-G in the section introduction.

Details on the structure are outlined in the section consortium.